Monday, November 24, 2014

Interview: Sioux Falls - ☜(゚ヮ゚☜)

how would you even interview a city

Today's interview comes from a band you've never heard of and will probably not even check out but we said some stuff about other bands you might like and it's not too difficult to read but i'm going to continue this run on sentence until it is so maybe in the meantime you could open up the sioux falls bandcamp and listen to them while reading this but i hope that the "in the meantime" line didn't trigger your love for spacehog. that song is so good

H: obviously you would never write "sometimes i cry when i masturbate" and then say it's a joke unless you really do it

SF: I actually 'always' cry when I masturbate.  it's Fred's line and he only cries 'sometimes.'  you should hit him up on myspace and talk to him about it some more.
i'm more of a dry guy when i masturbate 
thanks, I'll think about that next time I masturbate

if i send your sister a friend request what are the odds of her accepting?
your sister's not really 15 you jokester and don't joke about that percentage
you're right, she turned 16 last month.  you should definitely friend her on facebook now.

comparisons to built to spill are obvious but tell me why listeners should look past that. i mean should they. 
listeners should look past our shamelessly derivative built to spill ripoff songs because we have a lot to offer in other areas- namely human friendship (we're great listeners).  again, hit up fred on myspace if you wanna talk about your personal struggles.
that link doesn't work

hmmm maybe he deleted it or something.  his alternate profile is
this one doesn't work either

use any picture you want they said

what are your thoughts on kriII because we need some kind of audience to read this. i doubt your fans (moms) will seek out much more
I think Krill is cool.  the peanut butter video gets me hot and bothered.  our moms like Krill way more than us anyway.  my mom has actually requested that infinite power play at my future son's bris
don't tell anyone but i really like krill's Peanut Butter but i don't care for the video. you can tell people i don't care for the video. that peanut butter doesn't look real in it
dude why?  ezra is smokin' in that video

is 12 minutes too long for a song? jesus christ
I agree it is way too long for a song.  

yes why i will use any picture i want

who wins in a fight  between me & the 3 members of sioux falls
I dunno?  what do you squat?
i don't squat but i do like 45 push-ups  and run 3-5 miles a day
you could probably take us then.  we have small weak bodies

i've actually beeen to sioux falls, south dakota. nothing special
roughly 1/3 of our impressive Facebook like total consists of (mostly middle aged, likely non built to spill-derived-indie-rock listening) residents of Sioux Falls, South Dakota so I can't knock them too hard as a community.
i really enjoy the thought that middle aged facebook users like your page solely for the reason they think it's the city of sioux falls page. it brings me so much joy
me too.  we'll take whatever we can get when it comes to Facebook likes- truly the greatest currency in indie rock.

but you're from montana. which is even less special 
montana is actually really special so I disagree with you there.

but now you're in portland you fuckin hipster
that is our current location and I am currently wearing a carhart beanie so I agree.
people that wear carhartt are almost as bad as people that wear north face. almost. actually they're both bad
sorry dude, I'm pretty sure I've owned some north face stuff in the past

i've been to portland, maine where i got high and saw the atlantic ocean for the first time

but portlandia.... i just can't get into it
it's kinda funny

what is your beer of choice and don't tell me you're straight edge or this interview ends right now (side note: there is nothing wrong with being straight edge and if you were offended i don't know how you ended up here in the first place.) 
I only started drinking beer like a year ago cause in high school (and the few years in between then and now) I was kind of a 'loser' but now I like blue moon a lot and I often drink Tecate or Olympia or something at shows.  still not man enough for IPA's unfortunately.  that's Fred and Ben's domain.

you are playing with pile next spring and i feel so bad for pile because they deserve so much more. how do you feel about that
I also feel bad.  Pile will endure though.  they're a resilient bunch
elaborate on pile. and fidget is too one of their best songs 
Pile will keep on being Pile despite playing with grossly unworthy bands, for instance souix falls.  fidget rules but I've decided recently that special snowflakes might be their best song.  hard to choose.
you're right

when are you bozos gonna tour for real
spring 2k15 tour w/ our bros SNOW ROLLER.  probably only california again though and we're never coming to Millwake cause I don't know how to spell it and I'm not a huge jabari parker fan.
maybe i'm just saving milwaukee from undesirable acts like you and i'm the hero this city truly deserves
doesn't montana have a sizable mormon population  . are you mormon (jabari parker is mormon)
you are definitely the christian bale batman of milwake no doubt. it's not like idaho but there are definitely some mormons.  I'm actually jewish.  if that's cool with you.

i forgot how depressing empty shows is but non metaphorically i'm sure you play empty shows all the time
very true
and carl's jr is nothing special
also true
but holy heck that song is dark
it's hard to write a life affirming anthem about spending thanksgiving in carl's jr. so it did turn out kinda bleak
do you know where nebraska is yet? look at a map
I know it's pretty rectangular and near the middle of the country
wait are you buttcore or nah? i don't even care anymore 
def buttcore

did a a guy really fall into a grill and burn his face/off in front of you. face/off is a great movie.
no but I felt like if there was a song about it, it would be less likely that that would actually happen to me.  that movie rules hard.  
that's a fact

do you still work at pita pit
I'm at pita pit right now actually.

wanna know what happened when i went on tour with geronimo!?
I bet it involved miller high life and vomit so it should be a really thought provoking piece of journalism

also any progress on deducing the identity of you're impostor?   
just by asking about my impostor makes me question whether or not you're behind it 
unfortunately i'm not the impostor

also, fuck Contact
yes. fuck Contact and fuck Big Ups for loving it

what are the odds of your mom accepting my friend request? that is all
my mom doesn't have a facebook but if she'd did, she'd probably friend you first.  you're existence has caused some real tension between my parents.  she always asks me "how tall is Hayden again?  I bet he's really tall.  he's so funny and smart."
 i'm 6'3"

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