Wednesday, November 27, 2013

LVL UP Teaches You How to Make Your Own Rice Cripy Treats and Other Nonsense

So recently I drank a beer or four and shot some emails to LVL UP the band.

                                         lucky to interview these guys before they got too big

Ok first q here: you have a new shiny split out with PORCHES. I see. So along the same lines with he who shall not be named- do you feel increased pressure being associated with an amazing act like PORCHES. and are you worried at all dude?

LVL UP: ah yeah definitely, someone reviewed the split the other day and said our side was better than porches side, which made the entire site an unreliable source, it's already been proven by science that the porches side is better. in all seriousness, they have definitely been one of our favorite bands for a long while!

Thanks Bing!

I read on this internet that LVL UP actually stands for Literally Very Lousy Undistinguishable Performers. Is this true ?

LU: yeah the internet doesn't allow for lies to be published, it's actually a really neat thing, i did most of my college papers using yahoo answers as my main source


pretty damn pissed off that my bio-dome gif don't work

LU: #burnheal

JK about that. I know it doesn't stand for that. That was off the top of my head. But for real besides someone like myself who already sorta knows the story behind the name LVL UP why did you elect to go that route when you have other projects with better names like Morrison Brook, Spook Houses & Crying...

LU: who's that?

Oh man Topsider is one of my favorite songs of all time. Do you feel like you plateaued with that good one?

LU: yeah thats actually why ben left the band, we all agreed he'd plateaued so what's the point, ja feel?

I also see you're got a fairly big tour in the near distant future. However that being said I also see that you SKIPPED Minneapolis. wtf man

LU: i know… :( closest we're getting is chicago this time around, and that's definitely not close at all. we'll do a full US when the next record comes out for sure. can we crash at yr pad?

Probably not.

I would have to say the best thing about LVL UP is your songs are usually over quick. That's nifty. Do you prefer writing short songs because it's too f-ing hard to reach the epic magnitude of Fat History Month's You Can Pick Your Nose, You Can Pick Your Friends Nose, But You Can't Escape Your Horrible Family

LU: basically. usually i am just 2 cross faded to stay the course.

What if you changed your name to LVL SUP? whoa. talk about a total game changer.

LU: lvl yup, that idea is gaf (good as F#$&). more like a name changer tho. <];}

What are you future plans beyond this split besides continuing to disappoint your fan base (i e when the hecks gonna be a Spook Houses US tour)

LU: once we have enough money we're gonna break up and rent out msg for an epic gig w/ cril.

One time I listened to Walking Home probably 2 times walking back home drunk. It was an experience.

LU: shit man, i think that was the first song we ever recorded for that album. ben killed it on the harmonies and we were all much happier then bc we never heard about krill yet

Goddamn PORCHES. is so f-ing good. They don't even follow me on twitter. They're that good. Talking Pile level there. And you just toured with Pile. That must have been "sweet".

LU: ya! old matt, new matt, stick and kris are great peeps. that guy stove from ovlov was there too. we basically just got mad cross faded every night and watched curb your enthusiasm til 4am.

The liquor makes me think LVL. all kidding aside LVL UP > Krill. Let's crack some jokes about krill. wth do you think of krill and what's your least favorite krill song? (multiple answers acceptable)

LU: oh jesus, well let's just say i love them as people butt u were spot on about the muppets comparison last time… i couldn't name a crill song if i tried

I'm eating a rice crispy treat now. Is the internet rumor true of you killing former member & best singer Ben true? Remember what you say may be held against you in a court of law.

LU: i can't speak to specifics, but different stories surrounding the whole thing have been floating around there lately. you ever try making dig rice crispy treats in the microwave. that was a TRUE STAPLE of my college dining hall experience. here are the steps in case you wanna try it out:

1) get a bowl
2) put some rice crispies in the bowl along with a dollop of butter and some marshmallows
3) zing that thang for about 30 seconds in the machine
4) mix 'er up and enjoy

Speaking of your songs being shorter, our concept of time is a farce because of ancient aliens!

LU: sometimes i feel like u just get me hayden, time is actually more of a light sneeze than it is a line.

Dude I used to think the Big Bang Theory was funny but now it's gone downhill. But if you wanna feel like a failure that's yer right, right?

LU: i suppose so, but what is even the premise of that show? fuck those guys

This isn't even a q but look up Sat Nite Duets ~big worm~ word.

LU: the band? yo they are real kool i like dis.

You still never answered if you ever saw Pete's Dragon.

LU: yes i have it on vhs somewhere I think. seriously a family staple for years, i loved that film. might be time to revisit.

Can you believe it took K***l over 5 days to send me my ordered t-shirt (still don't have it for an undisclosed reason)? Bunch of bums.

LU: did u buy the new one? i have it on my wish list (hint, hint) <],v)


Speaking of Morrison Brook: turd
LU: feces?

In honor of Thanksgiving what are you thankful for this holiday season?

LU: SO many things to be thankful for but mostly the very good people i've encountered in this lyfe, many of whom i have met through this weird world of music!

4.86/5.00 turkeys stuck in a flat swamp

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